What is Possessive Adjective? |Definition & Useful Examples:

What is Possessive Adjective?  As we know that adjectives are used to modify nouns and pronouns, as well as other adjectives, as well as verbs, clauses, and even entire sentences. However, some adjectives are limited in terms of what they can modify, and Possessive Adjectives are one of these types of adjectives. In this topic, … Read more

Comparative & Superlative: explanation and uses

Here is a quick overview of the formation and use of superlatives and comparatives in English. Test your superlative knowledge in English with this exercise: Superlative adjectives Explanation: formation of comparative and superlative Poor, poorer, poorest – Of course there are also forms of improvement in English grammar . In the formation of comparative (first form of increase) … Read more

Quantitative Adjectives |10 Useful Examples & List

Definition:  Quantitative Adjectives are adjective that describes a quantity or number, such as plenty of or several, or a few.These adjectives are used to describe objects and describe how many of that object there are, how much there is, or some sort of measurement about the object itself. For example; Quantitative adjectives are a type of … Read more

What is Possessive Adjective? |Definition & Useful Examples:

What is Possessive Adjective?  As we know that adjectives are used to modify nouns and pronouns, as well as other adjectives, as well as verbs, clauses, and even entire sentences. However, some adjectives are limited in terms of what they can modify, and Possessive Adjectives are one of these types of adjectives. In this topic, … Read more

Interrogative Adjective: | Definition & 10 Easy Examples:

Definition:  An Interrogative adjective is a word to ask wh-type questions, that modifies the noun in a question.These are used to ask questions when it’s followed by a noun or pronoun. These adjectives are used to ask questions and have little or no meaning on their own.  Some of the most common interrogative adjectives include; Many people get confused because they … Read more

Compound Adjectives: | Definition & Easy 10 Examples:

Definition: Compound Adjectives are the combination of two words or adjectives that join together to modify the noun in a sentence. These are made up of two words put together to create one single adjective that describes something or someone. Compound adjectives consist of two or more descriptive words that work together to modify the … Read more

Coordinate conjunction; | Definition & 10 Easy Example Sentence:

Definition: Coordinate Conjunction is used to connect two similar parts of a sentence, such as clauses or phrases.  A Coordinate Conjunction connects two clauses in a sentence when the same subject, verb, and object are used in both clauses. These conjunctions are words that connect elements of equal importance in the sentence; they link together two independent clauses or two phrases and connect them … Read more

Positive Degree of Adjective; Definition & 10 Easy Examples:

Definition: The Positive degree of adjectives is a simple form of the adjective. It describes the qualities of nouns in a very simple way like beautiful, brave, happy, etc This positive degree is the same as the simple adjective. Like; Big house. Beautiful girl. Black dog Positive Degree of Adjective infographic In the above sentence; Big. Beautiful. Black. These words are positive degree. … Read more